Friday, March 1, 2013

Blonde hair blue eyed.

How did I come into this world? Not with the greatest circumstances. It seemed like I was meant to go through some challenges from the get go. My mother was fifteen and my father was 22 at the time I was conceived. When my mother's parents found out she was pregnant they decided to press charges against my father who just enrolled in the military for statutory rape. The military sent my father back to the states to get this resolved. In court my mother couldn't remember which brother's house they were at when they had sexual intercourse and my father denied ever having sex with my mother. So, my grandparents lost the case and my biological father and his family went on denying ever having a child with my mother. All except his sister. She knew that he was the father and she stuck around...for a couple years. When I was born my mother still wanted to do what she wanted to do. She left me with my grandparents or my aunt a lot of days and nights. Until shortly she just decided to leave me with them forever. I don't remember this because I was still a baby so I grew up knowing my grandparents as mom and dad. I lived my life like this until I was twelve. With no idea I was actually not theirs. So that's how this blue eyed baby girl entered the world.

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